Prompting large language models has enabled significant recent progress in multi-step reasoning over text. However, when applied to text generation from semi-structured data (e.g., graphs or tables), these methods typically suffer from low semantic coverage, hallucination, and logical inconsistency. We propose MURMUR, a neuro-symbolic modular approach to text generation from semi-structured data with multi-step reasoning. MURMUR is a best-first search method that generates reasoning paths using: (1) neural and symbolic modules with specific linguistic and logical skills, (2) a grammar whose production rules define valid compositions of modules, and (3) value functions that assess the quality of each reasoning step. We conduct experiments on two diverse data-to-text generation tasks like WebNLG and LogicNLG. These tasks differ in their data representations (graphs and tables) and span multiple linguistic and logical skills. MURMUR obtains significant improvements over recent few-shot baselines like direct prompting and chain-of-thought prompting, while also achieving comparable performance to fine-tuned GPT-2 on out-of-domain data. Moreover, human evaluation shows that MURMUR generates highly faithful and correct reasoning paths that lead to 26% more logically consistent summaries on LogicNLG, compared to direct prompting.
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Information seeking users often pose questions with false presuppositions, especially when asking about unfamiliar topics. Most existing question answering (QA) datasets, in contrast, assume all questions have well defined answers. We introduce CREPE, a QA dataset containing a natural distribution of presupposition failures from online information-seeking forums. We find that 25% of questions contain false presuppositions, and provide annotations for these presuppositions and their corrections. Through extensive baseline experiments, we show that adaptations of existing open-domain QA models can find presuppositions moderately well, but struggle when predicting whether a presupposition is factually correct. This is in large part due to difficulty in retrieving relevant evidence passages from a large text corpus. CREPE provides a benchmark to study question answering in the wild, and our analyses provide avenues for future work in better modeling and further studying the task.
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While the NLP community is generally aware of resource disparities among languages, we lack research that quantifies the extent and types of such disparity. Prior surveys estimating the availability of resources based on the number of datasets can be misleading as dataset quality varies: many datasets are automatically induced or translated from English data. To provide a more comprehensive picture of language resources, we examine the characteristics of 156 publicly available NLP datasets. We manually annotate how they are created, including input text and label sources and tools used to build them, and what they study, tasks they address and motivations for their creation. After quantifying the qualitative NLP resource gap across languages, we discuss how to improve data collection in low-resource languages. We survey language-proficient NLP researchers and crowd workers per language, finding that their estimated availability correlates with dataset availability. Through crowdsourcing experiments, we identify strategies for collecting high-quality multilingual data on the Mechanical Turk platform. We conclude by making macro and micro-level suggestions to the NLP community and individual researchers for future multilingual data development.
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我们介绍了Realtime QA,这是一个动态的问答(QA)平台,该平台宣布问题并定期评估系统(此版本每周)。实时质量检查询问当前世界,质量检查系统需要回答有关新事件或信息的问题。因此,它挑战了QA数据集中的静态,常规假设,并追求瞬时应用。我们在包括GPT-3和T5在内的大型语言模型上建立了强大的基线模型。我们的基准是一项持续的努力,该初步报告在过去一个月中提出了实时评估结果。我们的实验结果表明,GPT-3通常可以根据新的退休文档正确更新其生成结果,从而突出了最新信息检索的重要性。尽管如此,我们发现GPT-3倾向于在检索文件时返回过时的答案,这些文件没有提供足够的信息来找到答案。这表明了未来研究的重要途径:开放式域质量检查系统是否可以确定无法回答的案例,并与用户甚至检索模块进行通信以修改检索结果?我们希望实时质量检查能够刺激问题答案及其他问题的瞬时应用。
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State estimation is important for a variety of tasks, from forecasting to substituting for unmeasured states in feedback controllers. Performing real-time state estimation for PDEs using provably and rapidly converging observers, such as those based on PDE backstepping, is computationally expensive and in many cases prohibitive. We propose a framework for accelerating PDE observer computations using learning-based approaches that are much faster while maintaining accuracy. In particular, we employ the recently-developed Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) to learn the functional mapping from the initial observer state and boundary measurements to the state estimate. By employing backstepping observer gains for previously-designed observers with particular convergence rate guarantees, we provide numerical experiments that evaluate the increased computational efficiency gained with FNO. We consider the state estimation for three benchmark PDE examples motivated by applications: first, for a reaction-diffusion (parabolic) PDE whose state is estimated with an exponential rate of convergence; second, for a parabolic PDE with exact prescribed-time estimation; and, third, for a pair of coupled first-order hyperbolic PDEs that modeling traffic flow density and velocity. The ML-accelerated observers trained on simulation data sets for these PDEs achieves up to three orders of magnitude improvement in computational speed compared to classical methods. This demonstrates the attractiveness of the ML-accelerated observers for real-time state estimation and control.
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This work presents Time-reversal Equivariant Neural Network (TENN) framework. With TENN, the time-reversal symmetry is considered in the equivariant neural network (ENN), which generalizes the ENN to consider physical quantities related to time-reversal symmetry such as spin and velocity of atoms. TENN-e3, as the time-reversal-extension of E(3) equivariant neural network, is developed to keep the Time-reversal E(3) equivariant with consideration of whether to include the spin-orbit effect for both collinear and non-collinear magnetic moments situations for magnetic material. TENN-e3 can construct spin neural network potential and the Hamiltonian of magnetic material from ab-initio calculations. Time-reversal-E(3)-equivariant convolutions for interactions of spinor and geometric tensors are employed in TENN-e3. Compared to the popular ENN, TENN-e3 can describe the complex spin-lattice coupling with high accuracy and keep time-reversal symmetry which is not preserved in the existing E(3)-equivariant model. Also, the Hamiltonian of magnetic material with time-reversal symmetry can be built with TENN-e3. TENN paves a new way to spin-lattice dynamics simulations over long-time scales and electronic structure calculations of large-scale magnetic materials.
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由于3D对象检测和2D MOT的快速发展,3D多对象跟踪(MOT)已取得了巨大的成就。最近的高级工作通常采用一系列对象属性,例如位置,大小,速度和外观,以提供3D MOT的关联线索。但是,由于某些视觉噪音,例如遮挡和模糊,这些提示可能无法可靠,从而导致跟踪性能瓶颈。为了揭示困境,我们进行了广泛的经验分析,以揭示每个线索的关键瓶颈及其彼此之间的相关性。分析结果激发了我们有效地吸收所有线索之间的优点,并适应性地产生最佳的应对方式。具体而言,我们提出位置和速度质量学习,该学习有效地指导网络估计预测对象属性的质量。基于这些质量估计,我们提出了一种质量意识的对象关联(QOA)策略,以利用质量得分作为实现强大关联的重要参考因素。尽管具有简单性,但广泛的实验表明,提出的策略可显着提高2.2%的AMOTA跟踪性能,而我们的方法的表现优于所有现有的最先进的Nuscenes上的最新作品。此外,Qtrack在Nuscenes验证和测试集上实现了48.0%和51.1%的AMOTA跟踪性能,这大大降低了纯摄像头和基于LIDAR的跟踪器之间的性能差距。
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滑动检测对于在外星人表面驾驶的流浪者的安全性和效率至关重要。当前的行星流动站滑移检测系统依赖于视觉感知,假设可以在环境中获得足够的视觉特征。然而,基于视觉的方法容易受到感知降解的行星环境,具有主要低地形特征,例如岩石岩,冰川地形,盐散发物以及较差的照明条件,例如黑暗的洞穴和永久阴影区域。仅依靠视觉传感器进行滑动检测也需要额外的计算功率,并降低了流动站的遍历速率。本文回答了如何检测行星漫游者的车轮滑移而不取决于视觉感知的问题。在这方面,我们提出了一个滑动检测系统,该系统从本体感受的本地化框架中获取信息,该框架能够提供数百米的可靠,连续和计算有效的状态估计。这是通过使用零速度更新,零角度更新和非独立限制作为惯性导航系统框架的伪测量更新来完成的。对所提出的方法进行了对实际硬件的评估,并在行星 - 分析环境中进行了现场测试。该方法仅使用IMU和车轮编码器就可以达到150 m左右的92%滑动检测精度。
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